The Lord's Release

I Have a Concept:

השגת אותנו :) הערך עדיין לא נכתב. נסיים את עריכתו בהקדם. בינתיים אתם יכולים ללמוד את תכני הלימוד הקשורים לנושא זה, או להמשיך לחקור את עשרות המושגים הנוספים בעולם התוכן של אחים לנפש
הצג עוד

Contents on: The Lord's Release

Journey to Within Yourself

During this journey, we will ask challenging questions, we will look for answers together, and we will try to understand topics that have always been important for us to clarify. What is Jewish identity? Who are the Jewish people? What is the place of the individual within the whole? How can I succeed and progress? How can I contribute to the world in general, and to the Jewish people in particular? In our journey, we will discuss the Torah and writings of the wise men of Israel with an emphasis on the glorious tradition of the Sages of Spain. We will discuss, argue, clarify and enlarge our shared tool boxes. Fasten your seatbelts. We are taking off!

Jewish Leadership

Since the creation of the world, there have been leaders. Over the millennia, there have arisen good leaders and bad leaders; people born into leadership, and people who found leadership thrust upon them. In this series, we will discuss the model of Jewish leadership, we will follow in the footsteps of the great leaders of the Jewish people, we will reveal our personal leadership skills and together, we will build an arsenal of leadership tools that we can use throughout our journeys. We are happy that you have joined our exciting journey. We are sure you will enjoy it!